How Long Does Duct Sealant Last? A Comprehensive Guide to Air Duct Sealing

Duct putty is widely considered to be the best solution for duct sealing by many industry professionals. Learn more about how long does duct sealant last and how Aeroseal air duct sealing system can reduce leaks by up to 90%.

How Long Does Duct Sealant Last? A Comprehensive Guide to Air Duct Sealing

Duct putty is widely considered to be the best solution for duct sealing by many industry professionals. This sticky material does not harden, is non-toxic, and is flame resistant. It can be applied with a caulking gun or spatula and can last up to 20 years. As certified Aeroseal air duct technicians, DuctMedic is qualified to execute a program created by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) called “Duct Investor”.

This program takes a full list of variables and provides the owner with the best available estimate of what they should achieve in terms of cost savings. Aeroseal has a 10-year warranty and has undergone strength tests for 40 years in residential applications. The inspection detects any obvious breaks in the ducts and, as an initial step in the sealing process, the Aeroseal system will determine the exact amount of leaks in the duct system. The sealant used by Aeroseal has been tested by an independent laboratory and has been found to have an extremely low concentration of volatile organic compounds during the sealing time.

The Aeroseal air duct sealing system can reduce the amount of leaks by up to 90%, reducing dust and other indoor air pollutants from your home air conditioner. Diagnostic measurement provides a scientifically valid means of understanding the performance of your air duct system. Your local home service or HVAC contractor can tell you if the ducts need to be cleaned before sealing them. Aeroseal duct sealant has a ten-year warranty, but don't confuse it with its much longer lifespan. By sealing ducts with Aeroseal technology, you can expect air to reach the place it was designed for and not the basement, attic, or basement. Air duct leaks not only waste energy, but they also cause many other airflow problems in homes and buildings.

Many people are surprised to learn that homes often lose 30 to 40% or more of their air through air duct leaks. Yes, Aeroseal can be used to seal sheet metal HVAC ducts lined with concrete slabs under the right conditions. Most customers realize that, once ducts have been sealed using the Aeroseal process, there is no need to clean them again for some time. As for duct leak testing, there are several different types of tests to measure the leak. In conclusion, duct putty is an excellent solution for duct sealing.

It is non-toxic, flame resistant, and can last up to 20 years when applied correctly. The Aeroseal air duct sealing system is also a great option for reducing air leaks in homes and buildings. It has a 10-year warranty and can reduce leaks by up to 90%. Diagnostic measurement is also important for understanding the performance of your air duct system and determining if it needs to be cleaned before sealing it.

Finally, once sealed with Aeroseal technology, you can expect air to reach its intended destination without any leakage.

Timmy Umbel
Timmy Umbel

Certified pop culture nerd. General internet scholar. Baconaholic. General bacon guru. General zombie fan.