Sealing Your Air Ducts Yourself: Is an Air Compressor the Right Option?

If you're noticing that your oven isn't working as it should or that some areas of your home don't have the same temperature as other rooms, it's likely that you have some leaks in your air duct system. Learn about the different options available for sealing your a

Sealing Your Air Ducts Yourself: Is an Air Compressor the Right Option?

If you're noticing that your oven isn't working as it should or that some areas of your home don't have the same temperature as other rooms, it's likely that you have some leaks in your air duct system. You can take care of these leaks yourself by using an aluminum duct or aluminum foil specifically designed for use in ducts. Alternatively, you can apply a putty made to seal ducts. However, if you want a more permanent solution, you can hire a professional service that will provide you with a home air duct cleaning service. This service will include cleaning and sealing the air ducts from the inside using special equipment and technologies.

Although this is an expensive option, it can be inefficient as some rooms in your home may not get enough hot or cold air. If 25% of the hot and cold air is leaking out due to ducts, it won't reach where you want it to go, resulting in wasted energy and money. An air compressor is a device that uses patented technology to pressurize, identify and seal household air ducts for each of the air duct system leaks. By sealing your ducts, you reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to environmental sustainability. Leaky ducts need more energy to operate at normal levels, increasing heating and cooling costs (and bills).Leaky ducts create a “countercurrent of air”, meaning these gases leak into the house instead of going outside.

If you suspect that the ducts are leaking, consider sealing them yourself or hiring an HVAC technician to do so. If your ducts are accessible and you're comfortable with DIY projects, we recommend that you buy putty, clean the outside of the air ducts, and apply putty while wearing gloves and goggles. Using an air compressor is not recommended for sealing air ducts as it may not be as effective as other methods. It's also important to note that using an air compressor may be dangerous if not done correctly. Therefore, if you're looking for a way to seal your air ducts without hiring a professional service, we suggest using an aluminum duct or aluminum foil specifically designed for use in ducts or applying putty. When it comes to sealing your air ducts yourself, there are several options available.

However, using an air compressor is not recommended due to its potential ineffectiveness and danger. If you're looking for a more permanent solution, hiring a professional service is the best option. Otherwise, you can use an aluminum duct or aluminum foil specifically designed for use in ducts or apply putty yourself.

Timmy Umbel
Timmy Umbel

Certified pop culture nerd. General internet scholar. Baconaholic. General bacon guru. General zombie fan.